

A Christ-exalting & Scripture-based church on the Gold Coast

Join Us on Sunday at 3:00 PM for Christ-Centered Worship and Biblical Teaching!

About Us


At the heart of everything we do is the exaltation of Jesus Christ. We are dedicated to ensuring that He is glorified above all in our church.


Our guidance comes from the Scriptures. We believe that the Bible provides everything we need for a fulfilling life of faith, offering clear direction for salvation and daily living.

Expository Preaching

Join us as we journey through the Bible together. Our preaching is committed to explaining and applying the Scriptures in a way that is both systematic and relevant, always pointing to the hope we have in Jesus.

The Greatest Commandment

We are a community driven by love. Inspired by God’s grace and empowered by His Spirit, we aim to live out the greatest commandment: loving God with all our hearts and loving our neighbors as ourselves.

Service Info


  • Sunday 3:00 pm
  • 136-160 Pacific Pines Blvd, Pacific Pines QLD 4211

“Jesus is the head of the body, the church, who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in all things He may have the preeminence.”

Colossians 1:18



Expository preaching of all books of the Bible.


We submit to the Word of God alone, the Bible.


What we do as a local church.


Where will you spend eternity?


Articles for the Christian life.



Online Bible Reading

Join us every Tuesday at 7:30 PM for our online Bible reading session. As a church, we gather virtually to read the Scriptures together. Each participant has the opportunity to read a chapter aloud. All are welcome to share in this enriching experience!


Mid-Week Fellowship

Join us every Wednesday at 7:00 PM for our Mid-Week Fellowship. We come together to sing hymns, participate in Q&A sessions, pray, and enjoy each other’s company. If you have any prayer requests, please let us know here.




Join us on Fridays for street evangelism, where we engage in conversations, hand out gospel tracts, and share the message of the gospel with anyone willing to listen. This is a wonderful opportunity to spread the love and truth of Christ in our community. Everyone is welcome to participate!

second friday

Spanish Speaking Bible Study

Join us every second Friday for a special evening with our Spanish-speaking community. We gather for dinner, songs, Bible study, prayer, and fellowship. Everyone is welcome to be part of this enriching experience. For more information, click here


Sunday Worship Service

Every Sunday at 3:00 PM, we gather to worship the Lord through teaching and preaching of the Word, worship, prayers, the weekly observance of the Lord’s Table, and fellowship. We welcome everyone to join us.

Recent Sermons

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11 + 6 =

“Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone, in whom the whole structure, being joined together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord”

Ephesians 2:19-21